Kiki Challenge Dancing forbidden by law
Kiki Challenge Dancing forbidden by law
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CAIRO – 23 July 2018: Performing “In My Feelings” Challenge Dancing in Egypt was found illegal in accordance to the traffic law and those who conduct the challenge dance shall be fined LE 100-300, according to an Egyptian traffic police expert.

Magdi al-Shahed said, in a phone call with TEN, that the Egyptian law prohibits vehicle drivers from not closing their vehicles’ doors while driving on the road, or driving at slower than the specified minimum speed limits. He added that whoever violates the law shall be fined LE 100-300, unless the violation did not lead to injury or death of anyone or damage of vehicles, then the civil lawsuit shall turn into a criminal matter, and the prosecution take charge of investigation.

A few weeks ago, the 31-year-old Canadian rapper, Drake, prompted a viral trend with his new song, “In My Feelings”, when he inspired comedian Lil Shuzi of “The Shiggy Show” to use the song’s lyrics, “Kiki, do you love me?”, and its catchy beat to launch a challenge dancing choreographed to the song.

With the popularity of the video, celebrities and fans have been creating their own versions to the song, posting short clips of themselves performing the trending dance to their social media networks.